viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Listen and repeat to practice your pronunciation:

Colours Crossword

You can practice colors with the following crossword.

Read and paint

download the document, read the following instructions sigueientes and color the drawings according to the text !! good luck!

1. Color three red cars.
2. Color two pink flowers.
3. Color one blue balloon.
4. Colour four orange houses.
5. Color two green umbrella.
6. Color one brown dog.

Memory game

Here you have a document that you can download to play a memory game with colors.

Just click here to download, print, cut out and are ready to play to make pairs with the name and color.

I hope you like it!!


Look at the video below and then answer the questions...

What colour is the apple?___________

The ball is colour__________

What colur is the juice?_____________

The hat is colour______________

What colur is the tree?_____________

The lemon is colour______________